Issue - meetings

Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 13)

13 Corporate Risk - Quarter 2 Position 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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The Assistant Director for Policy and Performance presented the report and advised that seven risks have been removed from the Corporate Risk Register during the past twelve months with the remaining corporate risks being effectively managed without an increase in risk assessment rating.  In addition, 54% of the Council’s corporate risks had also been effectively managed and mitigated with a reduction in risk assessment rating over the last year.


There had been two increases in risk on the Register in respect of loss or delays in receiving income into the Authority and the ability to comply with the regulatory regime set out by the Regulator of Social Housing Compliance. 


However, the following three risks had now dropped off the Register:


·         HR Shared Service – new Service Level Agreement to be approved shortly with Mansfield District Council.


·         Procurement Support - new Service Level Agreement now in place with Nottinghamshire County Council.


·         Changes arising from the Elections Act.



that the current significant items on the Corporate Risk Register, as presented, be received and duly noted.