Issue - meetings

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Corporate Plan Delivery pdf icon PDF 204 KB

Key Decision

Councillor Jason Zadrozny – Leader of the Council


Cabinet was updated regarding initial progress against delivery of the new Corporate Plan 2023-2027 including the April to September 2023 performance position against the associated Corporate Performance Scorecard.


As the report was presented for information only, there were no alternative options for Members to consider.



a)    the levels of delivery achieved against the Corporate Plan Priorities, as outlined in the report, be received and noted;


b)    the levels of performance achieved against the Corporate Scorecard as of September 2023, as presented, be also noted.



To ensure Members are aware of the Council’s ambitions for the next four years, as clearly identified in the revised set of updated Corporate Priorities as presented in the new Corporate Plan.