60 Polling District and Polling Places Review PDF 101 KB
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Council was requested to approve the proposals set out in the report for the revision of some polling districts and polling places following the statutory review required by the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013. The proposals were based on the recommendations from the Polling Places Review Working Group.
a) the recommendations of the Polling Places Review Working Group as set out in the minutes of the meetings held on 7 August, 21 August, 11 September and 6 November 2023, as shown in Appendices A-D, be approved;
b) as a result of a) above, the final proposals report setting out the changes to the polling places and polling districts, having considered all the representations received during the consultation period and included therein, as shown in Appendices E-F, be approved;
c) the Returning Officer be requested to formally publish the notice of conclusion of the review, its findings, the responses from consultees and all other relevant documentation;
d) it be noted that in the event of a polling place being unavailable in the run up to an election, the (Acting) Returning Officer has delegated authority to select an appropriate alternative and formal retrospective approval be sought by Council following the election, should this be a permanent proposed change.