49 Housing Strategy 2024-26 PDF 127 KB
Key Decision
Councillor Tom Hollis – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Strategic Housing and Climate Change
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Cabinet was presented with the Housing Strategy 2024-2026 for consideration and approval.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to develop a Housing Strategy, but this was not recommended as the Strategy provided the context and framework for the sub-strategies to sit within, and clearly demonstrated how the Housing and Homes corporate priority would be achieved.
that the Housing Strategy 2024-2026, as appended to the report, be approved.
Housing and Homes is a priority area with the Council’s Corporate Plan 2023-27 and the Housing Strategy 2024-2026 sets out how the Council will meet its corporate objective of ensuring the population of Ashfield are living in, or can access, homes that are affordable, warm and within a safe community that promotes the health and wellbeing of residents.