Issue - meetings

Meeting: 31/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Proposed Demolition and Redevelopment of two Community Centres for Affordable Housing

Key Decision

Councillor Tom Hollis – Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Strategic Housing and Climate Change

Additional documents:


Cabinet was advised about an opportunity to develop a small number of Council owned sites within Sutton in Ashfield, for the purpose of affordable housing, with approval of the development proposals being sought.


Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the development proposals but acknowledged that this would leave the Council with two underused centres that were expensive to run and required ongoing investment.



that subject to planning consent and confirmation of Homes England


a)    the demolition of two community Centres, namely Mill House and Brierley House, for the purpose of redeveloping the land for much needed housing let on an affordable rent basis, be approved;


b)    Council be recommended to approve the use of Housing Revenue Account reserves, and if needed commuted sums, to fund the site clearances and the development of 4 new Council homes;


c)    delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Operations, in conjunction with the Corporate Resources Director and the Executive Director of Place, to negotiate and formalise fees, scheme costs, specification, delivery and any other aspect of the development;


d)    delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Operations, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Place, to procure and appoint a contractor to develop the site;


e)    delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Operations, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Place, to contract, on behalf of the Council, with Homes England for the purposes of receiving subsidy to ensure that developments are viable and fall within a maximum payback period of 40 years.



To enable a project that will increase the Council’s housing stock in order to meet significant levels of demand for affordable rented properties within the District.