Issue - meetings

Meeting: 31/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Council's Insurance Arrangements 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Non-Key Decision

Councillor Rachel Madden – Executive Lead Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits



Cabinet was advised as to the latest position concerning insurance funds and premiums paid during 2022/23.


As part of the presentation, Members were asked to approve an additional recommendation in relation to a proposed 20% increase in both the Tool allowance claim value and the employee excess as these elements had not increased since the Policy was first introduced and the cost of tools has increased significantly over this time.  In real terms this would increase the amount claimable to a maximum of £1,200 (from £1,000) and the excess payable by the employee will increase from £50 to £60.


Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve any increase to the Tool allowance claim value and the employee excess, in accordance with the Policy and as requested at the meeting.



a)    the contents of the 2022/23 Annual Insurance Report, as presented, be received and noted;


b)    with immediate effect, the Tool allowance claim value and the employee excess, as outlined in the Policy, be increased by 20%.



To meet the requirements of the Council’s Financial Regulations (C.37) and to ensure the Policy has taken account of the rising costs of tools, thus remaining fit for purpose.