Issue - meetings

Meeting: 31/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Housing Ombudsman Service – Complaint Handling Code – Revised Self-Assessment pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Key Decision

Councillor Andy Meakin – Executive Lead Member for Social Housing and Assets


Additional documents:


Cabinet was provided with an overview of the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code, the requirements for the Council to ensure full compliance and an explanation as to how the Council meets these.


Members considered the alternative option of declining to approve the revised annual self-assessment and its subsequent publication on the Council’s website.



a)    the requirements and obligations on the Council under the Housing Ombudsman Service’s Complaint Handling Code, be duly acknowledged;


b)    the revised annual self-assessment, as presented, be approved and published on the Council’s website.



Compliance with the Complaint Handling Code forms part of the statutory membership obligations set out in the Housing Ombudsman Scheme. Landlords must comply with the requirements of the Code or offer an explanation to the Ombudsman, as to why they do not. Once the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill receives Royal Assent, compliance with the Complaint Handling Code will also become a regulatory requirement for social housing landlords.