74 Elections Act 2022 - Voter Authority Certificates PDF 118 KB
Council received an update in respect of the new requirement for voters to take eligible photographic identification to polling stations to be able to vote and the process for obtaining Voter Authority Certificates by voters who do not have eligible photographic identification. Members were also asked to authorise nominated officers to act as Deputy Electoral Registration Officers for the purposes of signing Temporary Voter Authority Certificates.
a) the new legal requirement introduced as part of the Elections Act 2022 for voters to produce photographic identification at polling stations in order to vote at future elections and the process for obtaining Voter Authority Certificates, be received and noted;
b) the following officers be authorised to act as Deputy Electoral Registration Officers for the purposes of signing Temporary Voter Authority Certificates, in addition to the Electoral Registration Officer (Ruth Dennis):
· Theresa Hodgkinson, Chief Executive
· Michael Joy, Assistant Director – Democracy
· Ian Dobson, Electoral Services (AEA) Consultant (for elections in May 2023)
· Carla Benedetti, Electoral Services Officer
· Louise Ellis, Assistant Director – Legal.