6 New Parking Order PDF 132 KB
Key Decision
Councillor Matthew Relf – Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning
Additional documents:
Cabinet was requested to agree the proposals detailed in the report regarding changes to parking provision and charges and enable officers to undertake the necessary process for making a new Ashfield District Council Civil Enforcement Off-Street Parking Places Order.
Members considered the alternative option of declining to revise the Parking Order but this was not recommended as the Order required suitable revision due to changes in charges and car park provision.
a) the proposals detailed in the report regarding changes to parking provision and charges (having noted the proposals agreed at December 2022 Cabinet), be approved;
b) officers be instructed to undertake the legal process to make a new Civil Enforcement Off-street Parking Order;
c) approval be given for the publication of the Ashfield District Council Civil Enforcement Off Street Parking Places Order 2023;
d) delegated authority be granted to the Executive Lead Member for Growth, Regeneration and Local Planning to enact the proposed future change(s) to the order as and when required and to make any minor amendments to the order, plans and other documents as required.
To ensure that the Parking Order is up to date to reflect changes in parking provision and to provide flexibility for future changes which may be required.