Issue - meetings

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Licensing Committee (Item 3)

3 Proposed Revisions to Taxi Licensing Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 195 KB

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Following a review of the fees and charges relating to the Taxi Licensing function, Members were requested to consider the proposals to revise some of the current fees and charges and approve a 28 day public consultation exercise to seek the views of current licence holders (drivers, vehicles and operators).



a)    the proposed fees and charges in relation to the Taxi Licensing function, as appended to the report, be approved;


b)    the Licensing Manager be requested to carry out a public consultation for a period of 28 days seeking the views of current licence holders (drivers, vehicles and operators);


c)    on conclusion of (b) above, should any valid representations be received during the consultation period, the matter be brought back to the Licensing Committee to enable Members to consider the responses as required.
